Language is a critical component in public outreach for urban planning. This handbook advocates the following two principles regarding language accessibility in the planning process:
All material used in the planning process must be available in the official language of the country and the predominant language(s) of the area.
Language could be a barrier preventing people from fully participating in the planning process. To overcome the barrier, planning agencies should offer language access assistance to community members with limited proficiency in the language provided.
Language Access Assistance
Language access assistance falls into two categories:
Translation of written documents;
Interpreting services.
Ways to efficiently provide language access include:
Take advantage of technological advances, such as web-based/mobile translation applications and telephonic and video conferencing interpretation services
Share language assistance materials and services with other agencies and groups or centralize interpreter and translator services
Hire and/or train bilingual staff to act as interpreters and translators
Use qualified community volunteers
Not all documents have equal importance to be translated. Decide which documents are critical to provide meaningful access to the process or project and prioritize the translation of these. The following are three questions to consider when deciding on document translation priority:
Does the document create legally enforceable rights or responsibilities?
Is the document itself a core benefit provided by the planning process, such as project scopes and investment priorities?
Does the document improve participants' understanding of the impact of the project on their lives and communities?
Here are some other tips for providing language access:
Be aware of existing language access services and resources.
Appoint a coordinator to monitor and improve the planning process regarding the needs of community members with limited Ukrainian proficiency.
Establishing feedback processes through which the public can report the absence of language access.
Advertise the language access service. People can use a service only when they are aware of its existence.