Principles of Inclusive Planning
Inclusive planning emphasizes the importance of engaging and empowering marginalized groups, underrepresented populations, and traditionally excluded communities in the planning process. Key principles of inclusive planning are:
- Representation
A broad range of stakeholders, including community members, civil society organizations, and marginalized groups, have opportunities to actively participate in decision-making processes.
- Accessibility
The decision-making process is accessible to all, including accessible physical infrastructure, transportation, and services.
- Collaboration
Collaborative partnerships between planners, residents, and other stakeholders to develop shared visions and projects, reflecting the diverse interests and perspectives of the community.
- Empowerment
Supporting community members, particularly marginalized groups, by providing resources, information, and skills necessary for active participation and to influence decisions that affect their lives.
- Communication
Planning processes are transparent and information is shared in a clear, accessible, and culturally appropriate manner, facilitating meaningful dialogue and understanding.
- Social Justice
Integrating social considerations into decisions to address issues such as affordable housing, sustainability, access to public spaces, and equal distribution of resources.