Empowerment Tools

Community Organizing. This involves organizing local residents as a group to identify their collective needs and interests and work together to advocate for change in their community. This can take form in community meetings, special interest groups, petitions, organizing rallies, protests, and other forms of public engagement. 

Participatory Budgeting. This is a process in which community members are involved in the allocation of public funds, allowing them to have a direct say in how resources are used in their community. In general, the process typically involves: 

Community Land Trust. These are community-based organizations that acquire and manage land, with the goal of providing affordable housing, community gardens, and other community amenities. Some key features of Community Land Trust are perpetual affordability, community control, flexibility to reflect changing needs and priorities, and partnership with local government, non-profits, and private developers. 

Community Development Corporation. A Community Development Corporation is a non-profit organization to promote community development in low-income neighborhoods. They are typically founded and led by community members they serve and focus on housing, small business development, job training, and neighborhood revitalization. The corporation is similar to a community land trust with a wider scope of purview.